The Floating Citadel of MarcellaThe Floating Citadels of Mar are three inhabited islands that move about the seas like giant floating ships. The islands move by water element magic. A cadre of water magi controls each island. The citadels are named after the water magi that founded their civilizations: Marcella, Yasau, Zale. Each island is as different as its founding mage. Marcella is a rambunctious nation ruled by a chaotic evil water mage and her water elementalist henchmen. Mostly evil creatures live on (or do business with) the citadel. Marcellite life is typical of a chaotic evil society. The strong rule and the weak are enslaved, oppressed and beleaguered. Pirates often come to Marcella to trade their goods. In fact, Marcella is the most pirate friendly port in the central waters of Mar. Most of these folk tend to stay near the ports and dry docks of the island. Strange water element creatures patrol the interior of the island. The island is ruled by the lich Marcella, though she never shows herself outside of his fortress. Instead, she appoints water magi and other creatures to rule. These magi use their positions of power to exploit their subjects for magical experimentation. Those that wander too far into the interior of the island may find themselves part of a mage’s experiment. Marcella has made an alliance of sorts with the Pirate Isles and Aldahe. There is a strange “code of honor” on the island. Marcellites often pay each other with “favors”. Repayment of a favor is generally equal in value or deed to what was given to the other. Marcella is a hilly and broken island covered with death and decay. The outer rim of the island is the only "safe" place to live. The outer rim is littered with shantytowns and slums of all kinds of depraved and evil creatures. A few places on the island have larger settlements. These port cities are foci for pirates and the Marcellite navy. The center of the island houses the massive fortress of Marcella, the evil lich that plots to rule all the citadels. The island itself is littered with caves, some of which are rumored to connect with the lich lord’s dungeons. Marcellite [Native] featYou are a native of Marcella and have learned the value of interacting with nefarious characters without raising suspicion or bringing attention to yourself. Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to Bluff and Gather Information checks. You have a number of contacts equal to your Cha bonus plus 1d4 in the underworld of Marcella. Each contact owes you one favor. You owe a favor to 1d4 other Marcellite characters. Special:
Can only be taken at 1st level, Must have lived at least
half your life in Marcella.
Veteran Marcellite Piratehuman
War5, CR 4; Size M; HD 5d8+15; hp 45; Init
+0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex, +2 armor, +1 enchantment); Attack +9 melee with
longsword (1d8+2), or +5 ranged with crossbow (1d8); SV Fort +7, Ref +1, Will
+1; AL CE; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 16, Int 9, Wis 10, Cha 9. Skills: Climb +5, Disable Device +1, Hide +0, Listen +0, Move Silently +0, Open
Lock +1, Sense Motive +2, Spot +0, Swim +5; Languages Spoken: Common. Feats:
Dodge, Marcellite, Weapon
Focus (longsword) Possessions:
Masterwork longsword, crossbow, leather armor +1, silver dagger, potion of cure
moderate wounds, elixir of swimming. |