| Elemental Powers III: Gazetteer SeriesThe EPIII series documents the major geopolitical regions in the Lands. Beginning with the Gazetteer of the Northern Realms, these sourcebooks provide detailed information on the major cultures, nations and places in the Elemental Lands d20 fantasy role-playing game campaign setting. Each d20 sourcebook provides plenty of chunky bits ensuring that everyone, even those that don’t use the campaign setting, will benefit from the books Campaign Styles for the Elemental Lands WEB BONUS: Map
of the core region in the Elemental Lands campaign
setting. Elemental Powers III: The Gazetteers Get all four EPIII: Gazetteers in one convenient bundle, complete with a bonus map! Together, the bundle profiles 63 prominent geopolitical regions in a d20 high magic fantasy setting. The book is designed for both the player and the gamemaster. For GMs, the book can be used to flavor your own campaign or it can be used as a basis for campaigning in the Elemental Lands setting. Each region is rich with adventuring possibilities and provides a new garden for your campaigns growth. The history, culture, geographical features (including magical features), and important sites for nearly every region are detailed. Not only does the book capture the essence of a new campaign world, there are plenty of chunky bits to be taken, even by those not interested in the campaign world. The bundled works include:
Buy the Bundle for $19.99 at rpgnow (pdf). Individual works: There are four volumes in the EPIII series (click links to view):