This 69 page .pdf is a d20 supplement designed specifically for Game
Masters! It allows you to extend your current campaign by bringing in new
diseases, creatures, & races to vex your players! Buy
it at RPGNow.
Notes on taxes, tithes & NPCs of the Elemental Lands.
Describes 18 new diseases.
Four new prestige classes
The Demigod - Walk the line between mortality and godliness.
Eye Scribe - This beholderkin
class absorbs magical energy.
Yinmal - Forget the balance of yin and yang, skew your monk towards
the dark powers of yin!
The Featist - Specializes in gaining feats.
How to use the esoteric Dragon Gates in the Elemental Lands.
Two feats.
Description of 40 new creatures.
Details on five new templates.
Six new character races.
Artwork by some of the industries newest and best talents! Click on
thumbnails for preview.
Statistics Block
High Fantasy
Game System Supplement
Core d20 Rules Supported. Requires the use of Dungeons and Dragons®
Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the
Elemental Lands™ and the Elemental Lands™ star logo are trademarks of Dunham Studios, Ltd.
Interior artwork & graphics of Dunham Studios products published by are black and white images.
The Dungeons and Dragons® Player's Handbook, Third Edition, published by Wizards of the Coast® is required to use the d20 material produced by Elemental Lands™.
Dungeons and Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast.