| From James Wyatt's Aquela
setting. The Foamborn
- Gain Elementalist (water) bonus feat. |
 | Kuruk
- Add +2 Str to ability modifications. Replace Orc for Nohrak as
Bonus Languages. Give them the following ability, "Temporary
Fast Healing (Ex): For a number of rounds per day equal to the kuruk's
Con bonus, the character can heal 2 hp a round. This ability
cannot heal fire or acid damage." Further, kuruks cannot have
the Elementalist (fire) or Elementalist (earth) feats. This
"High Troll" has an ECL +1. In the Elemental Lands they
would be found in the Goblin Realms. |
 | From Fantasy Flight
Games free
web enhancement for the Mythic Races product.
 | Ittakkens
- Less fear and distrust towards them in the Elemental Lands.
Ice carvers live beneath the ice in the natural ice tunnels of the
Frostlands. Stone crawlers are the rarely seen in the surface
world, keeping to the Underdark. The typical ittakken community are hill
dwellers north of the Central Sea of Mar and jungle dwellers south of
the sea. Ice carvers gain +1 Water, -2 Earth. Stone
crawlers gain +1 Earth, -2 Water. Other varieties of ittakkens do
not have additional adjustments for the Elemental Lands setting. |
 | Mahkim
- Mahkim are natural allies of the lizardfolk and can be found in small
villages in Lizard Swamp. The majority of these amphibious
creatures come from the Amazonia, Gangaba, and the Dark Jungles.
Mahkim clerics have access to the Animalism domain if they choose Dire
Frog as their animal spirit guide (NG - Air, Plant, Protection,
Water). Mahkims would gain +1 Water and all mahkim weapons are
considered martial weapons to mahkim characters. |
 | Mannikins
- Mannikins appeared in gnome cities after the plague. They are
most often found in Old Gnomia. As living constructs, mannikins
cannot gain the Elementalist feat. |
 | Slayer's
Guide to Centaurs from Mongoose
Publishing - The centaurs in the Elemental Lands setting hail mostly
from the Wandering Plains, there life is one that is closer to that of an
ancient Native American plainsman. Centaurs, such as those found in
example village of Lanhyd, can be found in the lands of Abadi. But,
these creatures are less numerous. |
 | The Krohlvars
from Silverthorne Games
can be used as a barbarian tribe from the Baronic Plains and/or as shock
troops in the Horvathian Territories. Like half-ogres, their clerics
worship Animalism with the Dire Boar as their spirit guide. |
 | The Malleans
from Silverthorne Games
can be found in nearly all settlements of small city size or larger.
They are otherwise found among dwarves and humans. They are generally
well received by all races. Since these creatures fear large bodies of
water, they have the bearded dwarf's aquaphobia (applies to above ground and
below ground waters). They can be cured by the Iron Will feat just
like the dwarves. |
 | The Zweibold
from Silverthorne Games can
be a new threat from Sanctuary. These "mutant" kobolds are
designed by the outcast dragons to wage war among the other races.
Zweibold males make good fighters and the females make good clerics.
These compliment the draconic kobold's tendency to be sorcerers.
Together, draconic kobolds and zweibolds make a deadly combination. In
the Lands, zweibolds suffer from the same racism as draconic kobolds. |
 | Lizardfolk
Statblocks by Erik Arneson |